via Forum

If you have questions, feature requests and bug reports on SDPA family, please visit our forum on
You can check the questions asked before and their answers. If you have an account of sourceforge, you can post your question via the forum.

via Mail

sdpa-users (at)

The SDPA users' mailing-list is the mailing-list to discuss questions, feature requests and bug reports on SDPA family among SDPA users, including SDPA developers. To join this mailing-list, please visit
Latest news (News) is also post to this mailing-list. The archive of this list is available at

sdpa-developers (at)

If you would like to directly ask SDPA developers, please post an e-mail to this mailing-list. Anyone can post, but only SDPA developers read this mailing-list. In addition to English language, Japanese language is OK.

Developers' Homepage

The SDPA project's members have their own home pages. If you have further interest, please visit us.

(Alphabetic Order)